الثلاثاء، 4 فبراير 2020

مراجعة TENSES للسيد ايهم

Present simple (  go . goes )
Key words
Affirmative : subject + V1 (S/ES)
Negative : don’t /doesn’t
Question : do/does + V1

. Remember that we add s/es to verb .

. Remember that be is an exception : am – is – are 

-           Facts
-          Habits and routine
-          Snow melt at 0 C
-          Harry lives in Liverpool
-          My friend plays football with us
-          Daniel washes his jacket every week.
-          We don’t like foot ball.
-          Do you enjoy dining out ?
-          Does RAFAEL train in the morning ?
-          If you drink too much you will have to go the toilet .
-          Usually
-          rarely
-          Regularly
-          Generally
-          Normally
-          Every / day-month-year
-          Often
-          Seldom 
-          Sometimes
Present continuous ( am / is / are ) going
Key words
-          Subject + am / is / are + ( not ) + ving
-          Remember the rules of ing
-          Actions happing at the moment of speaking

-          My sister is watching TV right now .
-          They are not listening to me .
-          I am not sleeping now .
-          Look
-          Listen
-          Now , at the moment
-          This / today – week- year – spring .. this etc …..
-          Past simple ( went ) 
Key words
Affirmative : subject + v 2
Negative : subject + didn’t + V

. remember in affirmative we use ( ed ) for regular verbs and we must save the past of irregular verb
-          Action completed in the past at specific time in the past ( finished action + finished time )
-          2nd types of conditional tenses
-          I played cards with them
-          We went to walk last week .
-          She did not come with me last night
-          My friend did not understand the mistake .
-          Did you like the match 
-          When
-          Yesterday
-          Last … day , week …… etc
-          Ago
-          In 1992
-          Then

Past continuous ( was going )
Key words
Subject + was / were + ving

-          Remember rules for ing
-Action in progress at particular time in the past
- Past /new action in the past  
-          They were watching TV while I was studying .
-          She was not paying attention
-          Were they listening to Radio as they were crossing the road ?
-          While
-          When
-          At 9 o’clock or any other time
-          As 
Present perfect ( have / has  gone )
Key words
Subject +  have / has (not)  + pp
. remember that we need the past participle in affirmative , negative and interrogative

It does not  like     specific time

-action completed in the past in (unspecific time ) or within period gets to present .

-action completed in the past that are still relevant in the present

-action that started in the past and continue up to the present or continue at an unspecific time .
- We have not been to Italy
- she has already understood the exercise .
- we have not done yet
- they have lived in Germany for long time .
- they have lived in Germany since 2009
- have you ever eaten sushi ? 
- just
- most
- ever
- several time
- to now
- so far
- recently
- early
- lately
- Since 2012

Past perfect ( had gone )
Key words
Subject + had ( not )
. Action finished before a past time or action .
. 3rd type of conditional
-          He hadn’t finished the exercises when the bell rang .
-          If you had come earlier we would have gone with you .
-          For
-          Already
-          As soon as
-          Sooner
-          After
-          Before
-          Once
-          Until that day

Future will 
Key words
Subject + will (not ) 
 . plan in future


الاثنين، 6 يناير 2020


الكلام المنقول: Reported Speech
عادةً ما يتم استخدام الكلام المنقول أو غير المباشر لنقل الكلام عن شخص الى شخص اخر وفى الغالب يتم الحديث بصيغة الماضي.

 كيفية تحويل الكلام المباشر الى الغير مباشر
هناك بعض الخطوات يجب اتباعها عند تحويل الكلام المباشر الى غير مباشر
  1. ذكر اسم الشخص او نقوم بتحويل فعل القول
Say= say,  say to= tell,  said= said,  said to= told
  1. يتم حذف الاقواس ونضع That (المقصود به أن)
  2. يتم اختيار الضمير المناسب للشخص (القائل) سواء كان مذكر أو مؤنث أو جمع
  3. تحويل الزمن إلى الماضي.
في أزمنة الكلام المنقول، تتغير الضمائر والعبارات الظرفية غالبًا (ولكن ليس دائمًا). وسيتم عرض كيفية تحويل الأزمنة والضمائر لمساعدتك في تحويل الكلام الغير مباشر.
تحويل الأزمنة في الكلام الغير مباشر.
يحول الىالزمن
Past simple ماضي بسيطPresent simple  مضارع بسيط
Past continuous ماضي مستمرPresent continuous  مضارع مستمر
Past perfect ماضي تامPresent perfect مضارع تام
Past perfect ماضي تامPast simple ماضي بسيط
Past perfect ماضي تامPast perfect ماضي تام

Reported Speech  كلام غير مباشرDirect speech كلام مباشرTense الزمن
Tom told me that he liked coffee.”.Tom said to me “I like coffeeمضارع بسيط
John said that he was repairing the car.”.John said, “I am repairing the carمضارع مستمر
Mum said that he had eaten his dinner.”.Mum said, “he ate his dinnerماضي بسيط
My wife told me that she had been shopping.”.My wife said, “I have been shoppingمضارع تام
The boy said that he had just finished the test.”.The boy said, “I just finished the testماضي تام
They stuttered that they had been waiting for her call.They stuttered, “We have been waiting for your call.”مضارع تام مستمر
He explained that he had been working.”.He explained, “I was workingماضي مستمر
تحويل الجملة الاستفهامية
وهي الجملة التي تبدأ بسؤال وعند تحويلها من المباشر الى الغير مباشر نتبع الخطوات التالية
تحويل فعل القول كالاتي
Ask, wonder, want to know
Say to
Asked, wondered, wanted to know
Said to

نقوم بحذف الاقواس ونربط if، whether إذا كان السؤال يبدأ بفعل مساعد مثل (am, is, are, do, does, did, will, can)
اذا كانت الجملة تبدأ بفعل مساعد من do, does, did نقوم بحذفها، لكن أي مساعد أخر نأتي بالماضي منه ونضعه بعد الفاعل
أما إذا كان السؤال يبدأ بأداة استفهام فنربط بنفس أداة الاستفهام الموجودة بالجملة
نقوم بتحويل صيغة الجملة من استفهامية الى جملة خبرية عادية (أداة الربط + فاعل + فعل)
نحول الضمائر والأزمنة والكلمات كما سبق في الجملة الخبرية العادية.
كلام مباشر  ”?I said to Ali “Do you like tea
كلام غير مباشر  .I asked Ali if he liked tea
كلام مباشر  ”?My father said to me “Did you buy a car yesterday
كلام غير مباشر  .My father asked me if I had bought a car day before
كلام مباشر  ”?The tourist said to me “can you speak English
كلام غير مباشر  .The tourist asked me if I could speak English
كلام مباشر  ”?Majid said to me “where are you going now
كلام غير مباشر  .Majid asked me where I was going then
كلام مباشر  ”?My manager said to me “when did you come today
كلام غير مباشر  .My manger asked me when I had come that day
هذه كانت الخطوات التي يجب اتباعها عند تحويل الكلام 

مراجعة TENSES للسيد ايهم

Present simple (   go . goes ) Uses Examples Key words Affirmative : subject + V1 (S/ES) ...